Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Non-fiction for the win...

You know what's fun? Non-fiction reading.


Recently, I've been working on a short story that has required some research on my part and I've been browsing sections of the library that I never had before. And, on a whim, I picked up some non-fiction at random off the shelves and took them home.

It's actually a blast! Right now I'm reading Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America and actually seriously enjoying it. Sure, I'd read bits of Moby Dick and such writers as Jack London and loved the idea of "iron men in wooden boats", but actually reading a history of the whaling industry is interesting. It's amazing how much one seemingly small thing can affect the entirety of an economy.

Also read The Science of Sherlock Holmes (ZOMG! 19th century forensic science!), a book on first-aid care for birds (I don't even have a bird) and have a history of the China's Forbidden City next on the list.

Seriously, such research, when it is not required of me and is simply done for my own entertainment, is fun stuff.