Thursday, October 29, 2009

I realized...

... a lot of things, actually. Here's just a few.

- I have a lot of things in a day that I want to say/write and never do in a) my journal because it takes too long to handwrite it out, b) my YWS blog because I'm afraid that if I post about a bajillion blog posts a day, I'll take up most of the blog forum and annoy people, c) here because I sort of forgot this existed.

- That I have no less than four blogs: 1) my YWS blog, which I update at least daily. 2) my writing blog, Opening the Vein, which I intend to revive. 3) my NaNo blog, which will probably go away after NaNo. 4) This blog, which I also intend to revive.

- I have a lot of things in a day that I want to say/write and actually do. I fill pages of  notebooks with things to say. I have a Twitter that I post semi-regularly on. I have the aforementioned blogs. There just seems to be so much more that I don't say. (Hence why I have taken to carrying a pocket-sized notebook around with me that has no particular purpose other than being a catchall receptacle for my thoughts in order to preserve them for future expansion.)

- The more I learn, it seems, the less confident I am to speak on my knowledge. It's like the more I learn, the more I learn that there are people out there who are so much more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. It sort of makes you feel humble.

- Safety is for ninjas too.

- I enjoy non-sequiter humor. I enjoy clever humor. I also enjoy random things. Clever non-sequiter random humor is the very best.

- I am in the apathetic stage of stress.

- I love The Hunchback of Notre Dame. And Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. (Though those aren't so much realizations as memories.)

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