Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why so serious?

I've been reading Atlas Shrugged lately, and have also been running across several other works that just seem to evoke the same feeling: passionate, intellectual seriousness.

Seriously, what is wrong with levity occasionally? Is it okay to just be silly sometimes and not care what others think? Isn't it okay to get something completely wrong and not have people look down on you for it? Isn't it okay to have something that is light for the sole purpose of levity?

In Atlas Shrugged especially is this feeling. It's like no one can lighten up, even when they are happy. They are all so intensely serious about everything they are doing. There is no happy nonsense of a happy couple whispering fluff to each other during a movie. It is all very. serious. business. It is only ever about the other person's intellectual worth and heavy sexual tension that borders on master/slave roles. Seriously, people, lighten up.

Does there have to be a hidden meaning to everything? Can't I just enjoy something for the sake of enjoying it? The composer guy in Atlas Shrugged (his name escapes me), says that he likes Dagny and appreciates her love for his music because it is intellectual. She likes it with her head, not her heart. What's wrong with liking something with your heart? Why do things need to be intellectual all the time?

I'm not saying that we should through intellectualism out the window, but is it so necessary to have in every aspect of your life? Can't you just love someone and do something for them just to do it, rather than having to put heavy. psychological. meaning. into everything? Dagny makes dinner for Galt and makes a huge deal out of it. Why doesn't she just make the meal and be done with it? I like it when people like the food I make, but I don't meditate on my role as provider.

Am I thinking about this too much? I think that they are thinking about it too much. Isn't it okay to not think sometimes, just do?

Lemme just say that when I find the right guy for me, we will both be okay with silliness once in a while, with holding hands and singing undignified songs, with watching stupid videos and laughing at them, with making the wrong decisions sometimes and not being condemned for 'not thinking'.

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