Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! And I hope that everybody everywhere else has a great day as well.

My family drove up to my grandmother's house today for dinner, but without me. I am not feeling well and a two hour trip in the car would have killed me. So I am sitting at home, finishing my mom's Christmas present, trying to deal with my crazy dog and watching "LadyHawke" with Matthew Brodrick in it.

Honestly, that is the only movie with him in it that I can stand. I just don't care for him in any other movies. I love his character in "LadyHawke." He's just so lovable. But in, say, "Godzilla," I wanted him to get stepped on.

I have this thing about movies with people getting eaten. Take the Jurrasic Park movies (I watched the first one today also). The kid always survives. Grrr... I wanted all of the kids in all three movies to get eaten. AND, they always eat the guy that I like. The Aussie in 1, I don't remember who in 2 and the short balding guy in black in 3, they all get eaten. I love those guys! Why eat them? But I am okay with Matthew being squashed in "Godzilla" but does that happen? Noooo...

*sigh* I'm pretty bored right now in all honesty. I think I will do laundry or rake leaves or something now...

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