Thursday, November 29, 2007

Internet and elections...

Lost my election by one vote. *sheepish grin*

Ha. The funny thing about this post is that I already had written it out on paper before I got Casey's comment about internet addiction. :)

The only thing about rewriting is that I can only do it on a computer with no internet - meaning that I cannot write during the study hall I have at school, because all the computers have intranet. High-speed internet no less... (On that note, we just got high-speed at my house. *dances* *whoot!*)

Sooo, all my writing has to be done on my own personal computer - an old beat-up 199? desktop which I love dearly. It's not too powerful, but it will run "Deus Ex" and Age of Empires and its Microsoft Word program is flawless. I am content. When I get to college, I'm going to want a laptop because desktops aren't too portable. But for now, all is well.

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