Wednesday, November 28, 2007


(Hey, before I get on a roll, I'd like to point out the new link on my link list: You go on and it tests your vocabulary. For every word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice to end world hunger... It only takes a few minutes to get something like 500-600 grains. Do it on your break! Help a hungry person!)

Student elections were today. Voting was at lunch and results will be announced tomorrow. I'm running for president. We'll see what happens.

Finished chapter 2 and part of chapter 3 in my 2nd draft rewrite. *whoot* I seem to be on a roll with this rewriting thing. My New Year's resolution (might as well get ready now) is to finish my rough draft in '08.

Of course, that's while I am currently flying through butchered chapters. Sooner or later I am going to run into actual new writing that I haven't done a draft of before and that's where Writer's Block will rear its nasty little head.

Already I am getting into new writing. My elf's new storyline has been modified and so her first chapter involved a bit of new writing. Not much, and there will be only be a little bit more for a while to come, but it is a foreshadowing of events to come. Bane's entire life has been turned upsidedown and much rewriting is in store as well as a boat load of new writing.

But I am looking forward to it. After butchering 3 main viewpoint charactesr, I am left with only 3 left, which is a much easier number to deal with, as well as a much more managable amount of storylines to braid and connect. After all, a braid normally requires three strands anyway.

It certainly feels good to be able to sit down for an hour and churn out 4000 edited words in one go. It was certainly a rare occurence in my life before these But in the past few days, I had done this about 3 days of 5. Fabulous stuff that. And each chapter with an average of 7 pages. May not seem long, or may seem like the better part of a novel - depends on your writing style - but I even still may have to go back and add in such descriptions as settings, etc. Not many since I am trying out a minimalistic style with enough setting to describe mood and such and only the bare minimum of physical character descriptions. Think about William Goldman's "The Lord of the Flies" or Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer." Enough character description is given to type the character (Piggy's glasses and weight) but nothing beyond that. Not that I claim to be the next Goldman or Twain, but I know that I at least have my own images of how the character should look, nevermind what the author says. So I decided to let my readers have free rein.

Wish me luck on my election...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahaha you're running for (class?) president? that's hardcore. Good luck!

I'm glad you're getting a chance to do some writing, keep at it! I really need to break my internet addiction so I actually have some time to dedicate to writing. Even with writing, I'm such a procrastinator, always putting it off. Horrible habit. I end up like never writing anything. I should make it my new years resolution to write at least something every day, beyond scribbles in a notebook of scene snapshots and bits of dialogue.

Do you keep a writing notebook? I find it the most useful thing evar.