Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hercules and Cleaning...

Call IX -I - I !! Absolutely laughed my butt off last night watching Disney's Hercules. Some of the jokes (that one included) are actually Roman in nature, despite the movie's claim to be Greek. (ex. "who puts the 'glad' in 'gladiator'" - gladiator comes from the Latin root "gladios", meaning sword) And they messed up some of the heroes and stories and gods. But hey, it's funny, no?

Loved that movie. Like RSC, you can enjoy it even if you know nothing about the source material, and love it even more if you actually do know something.

*blank stare*

Just finished up 3 hours of cleaning up my basement... We got nearly a third done in just that time. We still have a lot to do, but we did a heck of a job if you ask me.

But now I am tired. Geez, exhaustion seems to be following me around like a leech.

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