Sunday, December 16, 2007

Life is crazy...

Exams are insane. Mine start tomorrow, so, while I will update everyday, don't expect much bulk... But Friday I am home free and the blog will be inundated with my life.

Anyhoo, I came up with the most fabulous idea for one of my characters that would kill time. All of my character's lives are moving at a fairly similar rate in the story, but while two characters' lives will take some time to explain a bit, the third's has a lull of about six months story time. So I came up with a time-killer that will ultimately end up tying the story closer together. At least, that is the plan...

Wrote another two of my Mutt stories, but I'm cutting into study time right now, so I should get offline.

1 comment:

Casey Gillespie said...

heh I find that its when I'm supposed to be studying for really important things that I get the best ideas and am most inspired to write.

Good luck with exams!! Get lots of sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and don't stress too much.
