Sunday, December 2, 2007

Writer's Block + Bored = Reduced Shakespeare post...

I am lost. Tired. Alone. Writer's Block has hit me. But never fear, I will overcome it. I have simply to push through the initial meeting between Bane and Lam and all will be well... It will be fairly easy - Bane is blind no longer (my apologies to all who loved his non-seeing, but writing blind characters is butt-kicking hard...) - and the meeting will be made easier...

I am bored. In all honesty.

And this brings me to the third topic of this post: Reduced Shakespeare. If you haven't heard of it, look up "The Reduced Shakespeare Company" somewhere on Google. Clips of their DVD are available on YouTube for viewing (type in RSC), though I recommend getting the DVD and watching it all the way through. Absolutely hysterical.

"Divide we our kingdom by three... Cordelia, you go long." ~ King Lear in the middle of a football game...

Excellent stuff that. If you are a Shakespeare lover, and even if you are not, this is something worth seeing. A little crude - probably a PG - but so is Shakespeare when you understand it in the vernacular.

Hmmm... My day is being brightened by the smell of the pot roast cooking in the oven...

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