Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ocean of Tears...

I started posting my second draft of "Ocean of Tears" on Fictionpress. Yay me!

Anyway, I am currently working on chapter 4, having just taken a break to write here. I have a little over 1200 words and I'm running out of things to say for this chapter. My goal is at least 2000 words, but something like 4000 would be better. The first two chapters are a little over 4000 and the third is about 2500 I think. In my first draft, most of the chapters were quite short. So this time I am trying to make them a bit longer and take the time to tell the story as it is.

I suppose to make it longer, I could describe Bane's entrance into Deu, but that would take inspiration and right now I am rather lacking in that department. I have no enthusiasm for this chapter. Gah! I want to write a Quina chapter, but I have to get through this chapter first. I refuse to write them out of order.

It's funny, Quina is my favorite character with Red running a close second. But my readers seem to not notice her that often. My brother hates Quina and loves Red. He also loved Chagrin (a half-elf) and Risa (a gypsy) but they are both gone in the second draft.

*sigh* Writer's Block is a terrible disease to have. I am stuck in this chapter, but I will persevere.

Hmm... I just realized that I made the first chapter I wrote the second chapter and so I am actually out of order right now. But I am going to continue my work. If I leave it alone now, I fear that I will never come back to it... Actually I will, but that doesn't mean I want to... *bleck*

Ah well, such is the life of a writer.

1 comment:

Casey Gillespie said...

I always write things out of order, because if I try to force myself to write chronologically, it just won't happen. So I just write whatever scenes I feel like, which means I have all these disjointed fragments. I really need to work on piecing it all together.

I will try to send you my comments on chps. 1 & 2 soon, as I am finally emerging from the swamp of end of the year projects and assignments *shakes mud off boot*

" I fear that I will never come back to it... Actually I will, but that doesn't mean I want to... "
lol as much as we love writing, it sure is damn painful sometimes.